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Elasund: The First City
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Elasund: The First City

Product ID: 19582598
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From the Manufacturer Elasund? The little settlement on the coast? Well, those days are long gone. Elasund is growing rapidly and Catanians are streaming into the city, eager to make a fortune. You are appointed to help the city develop. You heed the call to drive the city's growth and prosperity forward. You have already hired workers and acquired bulding materials. What will your next building project be? And, just as important, where will it be? You are not the only developer in town, so you will need to be savvy and resourceful. Your competition is eager to outperform you and claim all of the credit. Fortunately, you'll get the hand of this business quickly. Despite having limited resources early on you have enough gold to construct your first few small buildings. Your influential connections will provide you with all the necessary building permits. Once a building is constructed, it can start generating gold or influence for your use. Soon this flow of materials will allow you to start going after bigger projects. You may even become involved in the construction of the town church or the city walls. But beware of your competitors. They may try to leverage their way into your neighborhood with their own permits. If you don't watch themclosely enough, they might even attempt a hostile takeover of your buildings. Will you emerge as Elasuand's most influential city developer? Find out in this new Catan adventure.

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Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

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Ravi S.

I loved the variety of products available. Will definitely shop again.

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Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

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